Example of quantum state of the order o=5 in one point described by radius vector \(\vec{r}\) from the nucleus:
\(\psi(r) = c_{1}\Phi_{1}(r) +c_{2} \Phi_{2}(r) + c_{3} \Phi_{3}(r) +c_{4}\Phi_{4}(r)+ c_{5}\Phi_{5}(r) \quad \quad \quad (1)\).
Weights here are \(c_{1} - c_{5}\). If basis function are orthonormal, we get these weights in the range <0,1> as the eigenvector by solving eigenvalue problem \(\hat{H} \Psi(r) = E \Psi(r) \).
Basis functions describe whole space interval, one possibility to make atom/molecule basis functions in 1-D are B-splines (Basis - splines). B-splines are defined in the restricted space compare to Slater or Gaussians orbitals.
So first, let's define the box [a b]:
Number of discrete steps defines vector of breakpoints:
Number of B-splines, Nb, must be at least twice the length of the box b.
B-splines are spanned on the whole box. Except of breaking points we define also knot-points. Each B-spline is starting on the each knot-points. Number of knot points = Number of B-splines. You can set up knot sequence as you like.
In our case, knot points are equal to the breaking points except on the boundaries, where the multiplicity of knot-points is the order of B-splines o+1. Also the degree of polynomials is defined as o+1.
In our case, the order is o=5. This order also define the number of control points for each splines between two knot-points.
On the plot above Plot(1) are B-splines of the order o=5. You can see number of control points between each adjacent knot points is equal to the order of B-splines. Notice that at the boundary you have multiplicity of knot-points equals to of the o+1, therefore o+1 B-splines are raising from the boundary point. Notice that B-spline spreads among knot points which number equals to the order of B-splines.
Spreading of B-splines of order o=5 in the interval within 5 knot-points. Line '--' highlights each knot point.
Spreading of B-splines of order o=1 in the interval within 2 knot-points. Line '--' highlights
each knot point.
B-splines are given by recurrence relation
\[B_{i}^{o+1}(x)=\frac{x - t_{i}}{t_{i+o}-t_{i}}B_{i}^{o}(x) + (\frac{t_{i+o+1}-x}{t_{i+o+1} - t_{i+1}}) B_{i+1}^{o}(x) \quad \quad \quad (2)\].
where \(B_{i}^{o}\) is the B-spline starting on the i-th knot-point t, of the order o.
Each B-spline has the non-zero amplitude in the interval between neighboring knot points:
\frac{>0}{0} \frac{\textbf{if} \quad t_{i}\le x < t_{i+o} } {elsewise}\]
Be awared that you use only the B-splines of the highest order from the above reccurence equation to use it as the first approximation of eigenstates or other application. The order of splines must be at least o=4.
Each control point of the B-splines has its weight (see amplitude of the B-splines).
We get all control points (integration points) and its weight by the Golub-Welsch algorithm for first:
%%Gauss-Legendre integration points and its weights%%%%%%%%%
%o =5, is order of each B-spline
for j=1:n-1
[V,D] = eig(J);
for j=1:o
%%%And control points are given by diagonalization:
Now we spread our controls points with corresponding weights on the whole interval defined by the breaking points x_breaks. Please notice that each spline has 5 control points between each two break points.
%Nb is number of B-splines on the whole interval
for i=2:Nb
Some application:
Control points define the integration points (as well for differentiate interval).
Kinetic Energy Matrix Operator with our basis function B:
Integral 1=-1./2.*dX./2.*sum(W'.*B(:,i+1,o+1).*diff_B(:,j+1,o+1));
To remind you: i=j. The size of Hamiltonian matrix is Nb x Nb of the order o. Differentiate of B-splines, diff_B, is given by recurrence relation:
\[\frac{d}{dx}B_{i}^{o+1}(x) = \frac{o (o-1)}{t(i+o)-t(o)}.\frac{B_{i}^{o-1}(x)}{t(i+o-1)-t(i)} - \frac{B_{i+1}^{o-1}(x)}{t(i+o)-t(i+1)} \\
- \frac{o (o-1)}{t(i+o-1)-t(i)}(\frac{B_{i+1}^{o-1}(x)}{t(i+o)-t(i+1)} - \frac{B_{i+2}^{o-1}(x)}{t(i+o+1)-t(i+2)}) \quad \quad \quad (3)\].
Because B- splines are not orthogonal function, we need to compute the overlap matrix:
%S is overlap Matrix
After diagonalization, in matlab: [V,E] = eig(H,S), where V is the eigenstates vector, so we have new weights given by the vector V instead of initial W gained by Golub-Welsch algorithm for each B-spline in the box [a b]. E are the eigenvalues on diagonal.
We construct the state functions psi(r,i) as in the equation (1):
j are the number of the B-splines Nb. For each state i you need Nb basis functions \[\Phi(r)]\, only some of them are non-zero. The number of the states i is given by the principal and angular quantum number (in this 1D case magnetic quantum number m=0). The size of V(j,j) is Nb x Nb (as large as the Hamiltonian), maximum number of the states is Nb spread on Nb points.
To summarize basic charecteristics of B-splines as the state function:
- sparse Hamiltonian matrix with (Nb-1)*(2*o+1)= non-zero elements. Very compact Hamiltonian is the excellent preconditions to use it in the time propagator to solve Time Dependent Schroedinger Equation (TDSE).
- low RAM consumption
- easily diagonalisable
- Not orthogonal, need to compute overlap matrix with make (2*(o+1)*Nb) nonzero elements
- They are not eigenfunctions of Hamiltonian. However wavefunctions at the small distance r from nucleus are the same as the analytical solution for hydrogen, which is showed at the plot below.
Plot(4) -Energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian in B-spline basis.
For s-states green color radial wavefunctions are analytical sulutions for hydrogen (Slater-type function from
For p-states red color radial wavefunctions are analytical solutions for hydrogen (Slater-type function from http://en.citizendium.org/
To make 3D wave function $\Psi(r,\Theta,\Phi)$, multiply $\Psi(r)$ with Legendre polynomial.
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